Thursday, 10 March 2011

pop-up shop now open: starburst correspondence cards

Because the Starburst cards I printed for PAL-SAC were so well-received, I decided to print a small limited edition batch in different colours. There is something about the shape of the Starburst with Spring colours that is just so feel-good. I've bundled 12 sets of 4 cards (one of each colour in mint, peach, plum and lemon). The cards come with bright white smooth envelopes and kraft sticker seals.

One of my favorite antique blocks to print with is the Starburst. It’s made of zinc and mounted by nails onto a nice solid block of hardwood measuring two inches. Seeing it inked on the press and it’s full-bodied impression on cardstock never fails to give me a shot of happy.

The editioned sets will be available in the Snap + Tumble Pop-Up shop today at 2pm EST!

Have a feel-good day, everyone :)
