Monday, 7 December 2009

One of my favorite pieces from the LCW, LOVE in wood type, printed by Chris (his typography inspired blog here).

Stephanie, a former stationery designer, took to the press in no time doing a blind deboss and a second run both with moveable type.

The Letterpress Curiosity Workshops have officially wrapped up for 2009! Thank you to everyone who supported the workshops by participating in them, blogging and tweeting about them, by becoming a Facebook fan or by spreading the word the good 'ol fashioned way. Most who've taken the workshop expressed interest in a 'part II' workshop. This may happen in the new year but I've got to figure out what it'll look like first. Updates on that to come.

Also - I swung by the OCAD Book Arts Fair and got to chatting with Akemi from Kozo Studio. For those of you who are interested in learning to use a flatbed press and would like to print broadsides, Akemi is starting her workshops again in January. I took her workshop back in '07 and loved it. So there you have it, right here in the GTA - learn to use the table top and print some stationery with me and learn to use the Vandercook SP 15 and the Showcard Mini flatbed press at Kozo Studio.