Yesterday, I found this comment on my blog, obviously left by a troll (or someone who really doesn’t like Valentines):
"I read your blog. I think you are a terrible person – keep it up and you’ll be hated by the letterpress community.”I left it out of the comments on that post, since it obviously wasn’t meant to further the conversation.
While I don’t plan on giving every negative comment its own blog post, something occurred to me as I was filtering out this one: I have readers who are bloggers themselves. I wonder how they deal with negative comments on their blogs.
So how do you deal with negative comments on your blog? Do you just hit the delete button, or do you follow an elaborate process? Do you try to contact the person who sent the comment (sometimes difficult since trolls like to remain anonymous)? Maybe you have a list of self-affirmations listed beside your computer screen that you use to cool down. Or do you opt for some backtalk? Even if you don’t have a blog, everyone’s had their share of troll encounters. What are your tips and tricks for dealing with negativity?