Sunday, 13 December 2009

TO the good

Just a quick check in, here. I'm happily wrecked at the moment after the wonderful two day event that was the City of Craft. First off, I've got to hand it to the good people who put this show on and to those who helped or volunteered their time to make this event as successful as it was.

Also hats off go to my helpers Ingrid and Angela who kept me sane, kept me laughing, and kept me from going hungry. The best husband, too, drove me to and fro, loaded, unloaded and reloaded the stock; made me a breakfast of champions while I frantically worked in the insane AM hour to crank out some more prints. Much love to my friends and family who also braved the wintery winds and watery weather to support me and the handmade.

The time spent at the fair also flew by with my crafty neighbours. I've long admired Roisin's (Bespoke Uprising) work, drawings, and sewing prowess and it was nice to finally spend some time with her (when she wasn't up to her ears in sales!). Rosalyn and Caitlyn (Cosmic Latte) may be the new kids on the block but I get a sneaking suspicion their collaboration will result in only more oh-so-good eye candy. Nobody does pretty geometric shapes like these two do.

Last but never least, those familiar friendly faces from the Letterpress Curiosity Workshops who took the time out of their busy holiday schedules to say hello. Jaime, Claudia, Leslie, Sandi, Quinn, Victoria, Chris, Phillipa, Bookhou, Eric and Clare. And what a treat to meet a couple of people who've already registered for the new year - Vincent and Adrienne.

The show had such a super turn out and I did great with sales. While that was the main goal, the event was also a success in that I made a few more connections with folks interested in custom printing, wholesale, and wedding invitations. I look forward to new ventures in this capacity. Another nice thing is having people introduce themselves to me as lovers of letterpress or my work in general (hi Anne!) and readers of the blog (hello Bo!). Not everyone who reads snap & tumble comment on posts, so it's a delight to be able to see a face and talk to the person behind an IP address.

What's next for the girl and her press? Rest.
